Maire Quinlan Pluck

Máire Quinlan-Pluck is a Dressage Ireland List 5 judge and an RDAI Coach.

She started riding at the age of 12 with Capt Des Ringrose,

brother of Col Bill Ringrose and spent every wakening hour

– weekends and holidays – over the next four years

working the yard in exchange for riding lessons with Des.

He gave her love for Dressage and when she was asked to judge a

Dressage competition at a local pony club summer camp

at the age of 18, she was hooked.

She has run Clinics on “What the Judge is looking for”,

each one culminating in getting the audience to judge

for experience and discussion. She examines Riding Club Exams

Grades 1 and 2 and taught for many years at a riding school.

Máire was Dressage Co-Ordinator for AIRC for many years

and has competed in Dressage, Show Jumping, Eventing and Showing.